Don't wait. Start transforming your farm into an AgriTech Smart Farm company today!
This visualization shows a system architecture you can map and generate on Dragon1.
Discover and Solve weaknesses in the IOT Architecture of your Smart Farm
AgriTech is a Worldwide trend
Today, we see in many countries business startups come into existence, focused on AgriTech. These new Agritech companies are busy creating and innovating insect farming, vertical farming, seed advancement, drone management, and aquaculture concepts.
The United Kingdom (UK), Israel, The Netherlands, and Canada are the first countries where farmers and students dive into these new technologies and become Agritech entrepreneurs. We already see many, many other countries follow.
AgriTech covers a broad area of technologies and applications, including drones, IoT-based sensor networks, intelligent software analysis for pest and disease prediction, phase tracking, weather forecasts, automated irrigation, light and heat control, satellite photography and sensors, soil management and other involved analytical tasks, and biotech.
These are all great concepts to use tomorrow in your antique farm to survive the current shake-out. You might not have thought about it, but you, as a farmer, can become a manufacturer of innovative agricultural products tomorrow.
Agricultural Technology
Technology means applying knowledge. So, any farming, whether old or new, contains agricultural technology. In Egypt and Ethiopia, people discovered how to build a wooden water wheel and bring water from the river to a higher level to irrigate fields. This was great innovative technology that we might take for granted today.
Today, we have all kinds of new technologies. For instance, a drone is a cheap device, and we can use it to film and photograph a field from a high altitude, so we can analyze where it is dry or wet and where there are places with insects or maybe spot the beginning of a disease.
This information enables a farmer to irrigate the fields much more effectively with less water and to use pesticides with much more focus. Or learn why certain parts do have insects and others don't. Starting using new agricultural technologies (AgriTech) on your farm is difficult.
To transform a farming company into an Agritech company, you must implement Agritech concepts in your company's strategy, business model, and architecture. It will change many things: products, services, business processes, IT systems, software applications, staff competencies, new machines and equipment, etc.
The above image shows an example of using drones to analyze how much water and nutrition the crops, per square meter, need. This results in less water, fewer nutrients, pesticides, and many more crops.
Agriculture Industry
With more and more humans on earth, we need more sustainable agriculture. We all want a real agricultural revolution in farming. We only want the benefits and not the downside. However, we do have these higher demands that the agriculture industry places on the natural environment, like soil exhaustion, which causes increased climate change, according to some scientists.
There are hundreds of thousands of farms on our continents. So agriculture is an industry. Where companies are manufacturing all kinds of products we need in everyday modern life.
So what do we do? Well, we innovate!
We try to think of and develop new farming methods that put less stress on nature. For instance, make less use of fossil fuel, produce less waste, reuse produced energy, and work smarter and cleaner.
Use Dragon1 to make AgriTech part of your strategy or embed it in your business model and design architecture and transformation scenarios. Then, you, as a farmer, are ready for the next innovation wave in Agriculture. You don't need to stop your agricultural company. Instead, with AgriTech + Dragon1, you can double its size and value.
How do you use Dragon1 for AgriTech?
What is AgriTech? AgriTech, as a word, is a combination of Agriculture and Technology. Agritech stands for the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture. AgriTech companies aim to improve yield, efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. Agritech companies deliver products, services, or applications derived from agriculture that significantly improve the various input and output processes.
What is Dragon1? Dragon1 is an online software platform with which you can design and realize the architecture of a business startup from A to Z or visualize the digital transformation of a big existing company. Dragon1 is called the SaaS platform for Enterprise Architecture.
Agricultural Transformation in 7 Steps
You can transform your farming company into an agritech company in 7 steps using Dragon1.
These 7 steps are:
- Analyze your current strategy map and design a future strategy map
- Analyze your current business model and design a future business model
- Analyze your current enterprise architecture blueprint and design a future enterprise architecture blueprint
- Develop an IOT Architecture and discover and solve weaknesses
- Develop a detailed AgriTech roadmap
- Develop three AgriTech transformation scenarios and choose the best one
- Startup projects to follow the scenario and build the conceptual blueprint
Dragon1, a SaaS platform for Enterprise Architecture, is perfectly suited for designing, visualizing, and managing your AgriTech strategy and business model.
Often, AgriTech concepts and solutions are complicated and require a lot of secure and thorough implementation to get it working and paying off.
The Dragon1 open EA Method approach with its concepts and principles (defined as working mechanisms of concepts) is maybe the best way to transform your farming company into an AgriTech company.
What is Agriculture?
We have often used the term agriculture on this page. But not everyone is familiar with that term. The definition of agriculture is: the science or practice of farming, including the cultivation of the soil for growing crops such as tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, etc., and rearing animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
Interested to use Dragon1 to innovate your Agri-food system?
If you want to use Dragon1 for AgriTech, you can contact us via We are delighted to discuss your ideas and needs in visualization, design, analysis, and management of AgriTech.