Crowdfunding Project

The Crowdfunding project is ended at July, 1st 2017.

Dragon1 3D App | The End Of Undocumented and Uncontrolled Business Processes in Hospitals in China, India and Africa

dragon1 decision board mobileScreenshot of the 3D App showing a blueprint of a hospital. Click on the image to watch the video.

We Want to Change the Way Health Care Is Organized at Hospitals: VISUAL & CONTROLLED!

About the Crowdfunding Project

Let’s end unsafe and insecure healthcare business processes in hospitals
by using a 3D App to get the job done!

Everyone who works at a hospital in China, India, or Africa has a smartphone or Tablet PC. They use it to browse the internet, send emails, and use other social media.

People don't use the smartphone or tablet PC to educate themselves in business process modeling and document, redesign, and control the business processes. When, in fact, every second of the day, things go wrong in hospitals because the business processes are not documented. Therefore, it cannot be visualized, analyzed, and redesigned to improve.

Visualize and Redesign Business Processes with ease, comfort and fun! - In 3D and with Virtual Reality!

Let me introduce myself here. I am Mark Paauwe from the Netherlands, founder of Dragon1. I have years of experience building process modeling software and helping organizations redesign and improve their business model, business processes, and IT systems.

I have seen some bad things happening in hospitals while traveling abroad. To mention four:

  • Privacy policy and rules for patient data are violated immensely by making online appointments and writing prescriptions online.
  • Operations that had to be canceled or stopped because of a shortage of blood and materials (untimely ordered new materials).
  • The time to health care service was so long that patients did not make it.
  • Inefficiency in the way people work in understaffed departments. Making it even harder to treat all the patients with the minimum necessary care and cure.

These are just three things that are easy to improve.

Money is not the Problem or the Solution in these Hospitals.
They need Insights and Overviews of Processes and being able to Redesign them in an Easy Way.

If we build an app that makes it easy to model a business process using a smartphone or Tablet PC, that would significantly impact the quality of healthcare service in these hospitals.

The Number of Hospitals Around The World

There are 195 countries in the world, and an estimated total number is hard to give because new hospitals open and close every day.

China has an estimated number of 70.000 hospitals. India has about 16.000 hospitals, and Africa has an estimated number of 3.000 hospitals. Vietnam has 12.000 hospitals. Indonesia has 2.500 hospitals. Brazil has 6.300 Hospitals. The United States has 5.600 hospitals. These seven countries together have over 100.000 hospitals. So worldwide, there are many, many hospitals we can help to improve their business processes with our App.

With just one App we can Help Thousands of Hospitals
delivering much better Health Care Services!

Fund us via Peer 2 Peer Loans

If you want to support us, you can provide us with a Peer 2 Peer loan. No one is in between us. You do business directly with us. Your money goes directly to product development and not to administrative overhead.

We Will Have People Model Processes Just By Using Their Mobile Phone

Human Oriented Process - HOP

Here, a process model template is already in our 2D modeling application.

But now we want to build a 3D App so people can take pictures and drag them onto a canvas and dissect the situation into activities, rules, roles, protocols, and devices used. To walk in 3D through the process and play various scenarios.

By doing all this you can align activities of a process much better than you can align them now. This is the essence of process modeling.

Next, if you have created various process models like this, you can put them all together in a layered enterprise blueprint, like the one you see below, and create a holistic overview of the hospital.

Because Dragon1 is an online business platform, you can design an integral application landscape and IT infrastructure supporting IT services for business processes. In this way, any hospital can deliver better healthcare services.

Now, we want to build a 3D Process Modeling App to enable process modeling in hospitals worldwide.

The Ask

What I am asking you is to fund our project on developing a 3D modeling App for learning and modeling business processes on a smartphone and Tablet PC.

The 3D Dragon1 App can be used in any industry like Health Care, Education, Agriculture (Farming), Food, or Government. Any organization or person using the App can improve his processes. Whether it is a doctor in Guizhou, China, a teacher in Mali, or a farmer in West Bengal, India.

The 3D Process Modeling App can be used on any smartphone or tablet PC.

The 3D Process Modeling App can be used online and offline for learning and modeling purposes, and then later, the data can be uploaded to the database/repository.

We, Dragon1 Inc., have years of experience building 2D modeling software, and now we will build mobile 3D modeling software.

We have already designed and tested a concept, and now we want to build a prototype and a finished product. But that takes time, resources, and money.

How are We Going to Spend Your Funding?

  • If we raise 10k, we can turn our desktop web application into a responsive smartphone and Tablet PC HTML web application.
  • If we raise 20k, we can turn our responsive smartphone HTML web application into a real App for Android, Windows, and iOS phones.
  • If we raise 30k we can develop the 3D modeling basic features.
  • If we raise 50k, we can integrate the App into our existing web application suite so you can reuse data from the repository to design perfect 3D visualizations with high productivity.
  • If we raise 100k, we can develop the extended 3D modeling features like scenario animation.
  • If we raise 200k, we can develop the virtual reality headset connection.
  • If we raise 300k, we can develop a touch-sensitive clothing interface.

Our 3D App Provides People with an Approach that they will Document and Control Business Processes!

Making Online eHealth Care much more Safe

More and more hospitals, general practitioners (GPs / house doctors), and healthcare facilities offer services online. Two well-known services are: making online appointments and online prescription writing.

These two services save the healthcare worker and patient time and money. Only there is also the problem of security and safety. You do not want people and patients to get the wrong prescriptions or have internet criminals steal personal information from patients.

The problem is that most online appointment and prescription business processes violate safety and security policies, legislation, and rules immensely. Even without the workers and organizations knowing about it.

The 3D App will help greatly in these situations. First: You will visualize and analyze these two processes as opposed to in the current situation where you have these processes not documented. Second, Dragon1 allows you to run the safety and security policies, cyber security, legislation, and rules against your processes. Helping you to take the measures needed to make your online healthcare service Safe AND Secure.

Why Crowdfunding?

We are a software company that wants to play the game by modern rules. Crowdfunding is one of these modern rules. It is clear what we need the money for and where we will use it.

The WHO says: SAVE LIVES, Clean Your Hands

Dragon1 supports the initiative of the WHO, the World Health Organization, to have hospitals and healthcare facilities register their commitment to hand hygiene as part of the global campaign – SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands.

In our Process Modeling App, we will include a list of basic health care and hygiene principles to help people design better business processes. Imagine 90.000 hospitals in China and India and an even bigger number of healthcare facilities providing better healthcare by cleaning their hands. Dragon1 wants to support and help this WHO initiative by sharing the knowledge and this principle via the 3D Process Modeling App.

About Dragon1 Inc, the software company

3d dragon1

Our core business is helping people and organizations to improve their business model and business processes by using our online business platform, called Dragon1.

Our staff have a background in IT, Enterprise Architecture, HR, Management Consultancy and of course Software Development.

We have built the Dragon1 Business Platform and developed an open method called the Dragon1 method for Enterprise Architecture, with which people can redesign and implement the enterprise, business, and IT architecture of their company.

What is the Dragon1 Platform?

Dragon1 is a Business Platform with a digital workplace and specialized web applications for doing Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Analysis, IT Portfolio Management, and GRC. The Visual Designer is the most important web application. It is a 2D design web application for creating enterprise architecture products. With that web application (see screenshot below), you can design 2D application landscapes and process landscapes, enterprise blueprints, and technology roadmaps.

Now, more and more users and potential users of Dragon1 want to "walk through"the big pictures they created. For instance, business managers in African, Chinese, Indian, and South American hospitals. If it were possible to have a true 3D visualization of the business model and business processes, a lot of problems and solutions could much more easily be discussed, understood, and decided upon by many people.

Process Modeling on Dragon1 in 2D

Dragon1 already enables 2D modeling on Desktops and Laptops. For that, we build ourselves the Visual Designer Web Application as part of the Web Application Suite. What we now want to do is to build, test, and implement a 3D Modeling App for smartphone and Tablet PCs at hospitals in China, India, and Africa.

The Visual Designer on a Laptop or Dekstop

process model

Here you see in the screenshot above an example complaints process modeled in the Visual Designer Web Application. The model is very visual and understandable for a large group of people. You do not need an education in process modeling to understand this picture. You need a step-by-step approach to create a process model like this. And that we provide.

This process model shows in green and red which activities are and are not implemented correctly, meaning they do or do not act as they are supposed to. This allows you as a manager to implement an activity better.

For example, with this process model diagram, you can analyze that the complaints form cannot be found on the website, causing fewer complaints to be received by the organization. So, the manager should decide to have the complaints form found easily on the website.

The Viewer on a Laptop or Desktop

3d process model

Here you see the 2D Complaints Process Model published on the Dragon1 Viewer. On Dragon1, we differentiate between the design and publication. You do not want stakeholders of a process that need to start up a designer. The Viewer is quick and easy access for stakeholders to watch the process model.

So yes, we have already managed to have visualizations of process models on smartphones and Tablet PCs. Still, we do not yet know where people in hospitals in China, India, and Africa can model processes on their smartphones and tablet PCs. Read on, and we will tell you exactly what we must do.

Click here to watch the process live in the Viewer

Dragon1 3D Process Modeling App Features

We are going to build the following features for the first version of the 3D App:

  • Porting the 2D Process Modeling Web Application (The Visual Designer) to work on a Smartphone as an App
  • Changing the database/repository so we can store 3D spaces, objects, and textures.
  • Adding a 3D Drawing Canvas into the Visual Designer
  • Adding 3D Drawing Functionality to the Visual Designer: Insert, Remove, Edit, Rotate, Pan, Zoom, Cut, Copy, Paste, etc.
  • Adding a basic set of 100 3D Process shapes.
  • Adding ten templates of common process models
  • Writing a pdf manual for process modeling and process improvement (redesign) using the Dragon1 3D App.
  • Adding 3D Motion Functionality to the Visual Designer: Scene, Frame, Play, Scenario, etc...
  • Adding Click-through functionality allows users to drill down from Business Function to Business Process to Business Activity to Business Task, Procedure, and Act.

The second version will hold the following features:

  • Walking through a landscape using a virtual reality headset connection.

The third version will hold the following features:

  • Developing a touch-sensitive clothing interface. We want to be able to feel things and pick up and move things for the real virtual experience. Think of this as, for example, a scenario in educating people about surgery.

All 2D and 3D diagrams created are stored in a single database. If one diagram or its underlying model changes, the related diagrams also change, and the change in impact can be visualized.

Having a related set of process models and diagrams (the visualization of a process model) is precious. Because even though your company's processes change daily, you can still have an updated set of process models on Dragon1. This is impossible when creating models and diagrams in MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, or on paper.

Why a 3D Design Module?

3d hospital visualization

Our studies on 3D modeling and design of business processes have shown us the following:

  • You can avoid design flaws in your processes before crossing them into practice after implementing the process.
  • People like Managers and Directors will understand designs or solutions better when walking through them.
  • 3D looks much more appealing to anyone than 2D. So, if you want attention for whatever visualization, 3D will help you a lot.

The 3D picture on the right is what we want to be able to create with our 3D module: a professionally rendered 3D process model and business model of a hospital.

A 3D Design Application for business models, business processes, and IT environment will significantly help improve hospital processes. Some problems we can help solve with that are:

  • Reduce time to health care services
  • Reduce time of being in the hospital as a patient
  • Prevent operating materials are not ordered on time.

We also have clients and users in countries like China, India, Africa, and South America (such as Suriname), where solutions and designs must be visualized to be widely understood. A 3D Design Module will help our clients and users there much better.

Imagine that business processes in hospitals in China, India, Africa, and South America can be redesigned, better understood, transparent, and implemented more effectively and successfully. Think of the impact that has!

What Do We Already Have?

Below is a screenshot of the 2D Visual Designer Web Application we built ourselves. In the screenshot, we have opened a project called Dynamic View of an Enterprise Blueprint for a hospital. You see, you can already create simple process models and complex blueprints.

The data used in this picture comes from the Architecture Repository. When the data is updated, this picture is also immediately updated. So, a manager or director has an updated view for change impact analyses at any time.

visual designer

Below is a screenshot of a 3d design test module we have used to explore if we could build it and integrate it into our web application suite.

3d enterprise architecture


Every relevant question and answer we present here is below. If you have a question that is not answered here, you can ask it by sending an email to

  • Q: On which phones will the 3D Dragon1 App work?
    A: On Android Phones, iOS/Apple Phones and Windows Phones
  • Q: What graphics standard does the 3D App use?
    A: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  • Q: What import and export formats does the Dragon1 3D App use?
    A: At minimum .obj, .stl, .dragon1 and .blend
  • Q: Does the Dragon1 3D App support modeling with Flowchart, BPMN and UML?
    A: Yes

Architecting Solutions

DEMO: Concept Mapping Software

How to use Dragon1 EA Tool

Learn to generate architecture diagrams using repositories
DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Example

DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Diagram - Measure Rules Compliance

Manufacturing, Financial Solutions
DEMO: Enterprise Architecture Blueprint Template

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Blueprint to discover and solve RISK

Banking, Logistics, Healthcare
DEMO: Data Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Application Portfolio Diagram

Automotive, Financial Services, Health Care
DEMO: Strategy Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Strategy Map on how to INNOVATE with AI

Government, Logistics, Banking
DEMO: Process Application Map

DEMO: Generate Landscape for RPA AUTOMATION

Retail, Agriculture, Energy, Oil & Gas