Demos Overview > Generate a Change Impact Analysis - Projects Apps Capabilities

Generate a Change Impact Analysis - Projects Apps Capabilities

Demos Overview >
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Doing impact of change management analysis is of essential value. Using Dragon1 software, you can generate visualizations using built-in templates, an Excel sheet, and a JSON-API and focus on high-quality data management and data integration, resulting in great analysis.

Above you see an interactive example of a generated Projects-Apps-Capabilities diagram in the Viewer.

The Dragon1 Viewer is a tool that can be used on, but it can also be embedded on any website or be run locally on your laptop or server.

You can also have such a generated Projects-Apps-Capabilities map by doing the demo.

We have provided a Visualization Template and Excel Sheet you can use to generate your own Projects-Apps-Capabilities map on Dragon1.

Analyse Impact of Change

Click a change in the list at the right bottom. You will see a visual change happen in the diagram.

If you want to replace the outdated ORACLE system (change 4), you will get a notification that still certain relationships exist, that need to be dealt with.

These kinds of checks on constraints will help your real migration projects to go forward.

impact of change retail

If you want to follow our free tutorial on generating or building a project-app-capability-map from scratch, click on the Dragon1 Demo Steps.

The tutorial will provide some steps to edit the Projects-Apps-Capabilities map in the Viewer (in edit mode).

We also have a paid eLearning module for learning how to set up a scenario and accompanying dashboard. Contact us for more information at

Use this project-apps-capability template to:

  • Analyse blocking dependencies for replacing applications
  • Analyse the impact of change of an application
  • Compare scenarios

This template supports you with generating various views to report on your enterprise architecture.

Why Create a Free Trial Account?

Want to skip the step of converting an Excel sheet to JSON and upload the Excel sheet directly in the Viewer? Or do you want to store data in the Dragon1 repository? Create a trial account!

If you want to (re)use your company data professionally, you can upload the data to your paid user account. Go to the Online Store to purchase your Dragon1 PRO user license. If you would like to purchase more paid user accounts for your team, please contact

Demo Steps

Click on the Demo Steps

  • Step 1 Download Excel Sheet Export the demo data in an Excel Sheet (click here or via green button) and edit in the Atlas tab the title of the first visualization
  • Step 2 Upload Excel Sheet Upload the modified Excel Sheet here (click here or via the blue button) in the Viewer. See your changes
  • Step 3 Hide Scenarios/Changes List Hide the list with scenarios and changes (or click here)
  • Step 4 Show CRM Application View Click in the List of Views on the CRM Application View, showing only objects related to the CRM application and highlighting other information (or click here)
  • Step 5 Show Iconsbar Click on the Edit button (bottom buttonbar). Drag an icon onto the canvas
  • Step 6 Replace Icons Switch between Dragon1 Icons and other libraries (or click here)
  • Step 7 Hide Relationships Hide and show the relationships between the objects (or click here)
  • Step 8 Generate Report Generate a pdf report of the selected view(s).
Reset Steps