Demos Overview > Generate an Enterprise Architecture Principles Map Demo

Generate an Enterprise Architecture Principles Map Demo

Demos Overview >
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By doing the following Dragon1 Demo Steps you can easily generate your own principles overview.

With Dragon1, you generate and create Enterprise Architecture Principles maps faster using templates or the JSON-API. It allows you to focus more on collecting the data and improving the quality of the data. This results in a better, more effective analysis of the data.

Principles of Architecture are the most important part of EA

Architecture is a coherent set of concepts. Principles are the working mechanisms of concepts.

In mainstream EA, architecture principles are often defined as general rules or guidelines. But that is a misconception. Principles should describe the way things work within a context or a system. A principle statement should describe a cause and effect. It helps by starting the principle statement with the word By.

An example of a True Architecture Principle is:

  • By reusing software solutions in the company, the average cost per user is lowered. - This statement is highly likely to be true

An example of a False Architecture Principle is:

  • Software solutions are reused in the company - This statement is hardly ever true

You may wonder why it is so important to distinguish between correct and false principles. The thing is that with correct principles (= working mechanisms) you can do predictions and tests. With false principles (= rules or guidelines) you cannot do that. It is also a best practice not to invent principles and principles statements yourself, but to take them from literature and refer to them.

Read more about enterprise architecture principles here.

enterprise architecture principles map demo

Why Create a Free Trial Account?

Want to skip converting an Excel sheet to JSON and upload the Excel sheet directly in the Viewer? Or to store data in the Dragon1 repository? Create a trial account!

If you want to (re)use your company data professionally, you can upload the data to your paid user account. Go to the Online Store to purchase your Dragon1 PRO user license. If you would like to purchase paid user accounts for your team, contact

Demo Steps

Click on the Demo Steps

  • Step 1 Download Excel Download the Excel Sheet here (or green button) with the example data. Click on the Principles tab, edit the name of a principle, and save your data.
  • Step 2 Upload in the ViewerUpload the Excel Sheet here (or blue button) with your changes in the Viewer. Go to the Architecture Principles Overview in the Treeview and you see your updated Visualization.
  • Step 3 Draw ShapesClick the Edit button (bottom button bar) and drag a shape (principle) from the shapes panel onto the canvas.
  • Step 4 Export to ExcelClick the Export button (top button bar) and export the data to the Excel Sheet.
  • Step 5 View Excel SheetOpen the Excel Sheet and check if you see your new principle in the Principles tab.
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