Create a Cabinet in the Architecture Repository

A repository is called a cabinet on Dragon1. A Cabinet is a logical place in the database where you store your data. A cabinet is always connected to an account. Only if you have a login within that account you can have access to a cabinet.

Here you can read a best practice on setting up a cabinet, dossier, and folder structure.

To create a cabinet in the Architecture Repository:

  1. Login to Dragon1
  2. Click on your username
  3. Startup the Architecture Repository by clicking 'Architecture Repository' on the menubar
  4. Click on the 'New Cabinet' icon
  5. In the dialog box fill in at minimum the name. (Make sure you use a Naming Convention)
  6. Fill in the description, title, ref, and type.
  7. Click on OK and now you have created a cabinet. You will see the cabinet added in the tree view.
  8. If you select the added Cabinet in the tree view, you will see a form with data on your cabinet appearing in the middle of your screen.

By default the Cabinet has publication status unpublished. If you select published publicly as publication status in the form, all other users within this account will have access to this dossier. Otherwise, the other users in your account will see the cabinet in the Cabinet Open Dialog, but they cannot open the cabinet.

Below we have provided information about all the attributes you can set for a cabinet.

If an attribute has a white background, you as a user can change its value. If an attribute has a yellow background it means you cannot change it as a user. If an attribute has a grey background it means depending on your rights you can change it.

dragon1 add new cabinet dialog

Add New Cabinet Dialog.

If you click on Create Cabinet on the menubar, this dialog will appear.

dragon1 form with data in cabinet

Showing the form with the data in the created Cabinet.

Fill in the image location to get an image bitmap in the form. This image can appear then anywhere in visualization, search results, and reports.

In this screenshot, you see the following attributes.

  • ID - This is generated by the system
  • GUID - This is generated by the system (future option)
  • Name - This is provided by the user
  • Title - This is provided by the user
  • Reference - This is an ID provided by the user. This is used on import to match items
  • Image Location - This is the location of an image provided by the user. It can be a site's location of your account or internet URL
  • Description - This is provided by the user
  • Image Bitmap - If the user provided a location, the bitmap is shown here. It has a click link to view the image in a separate browser window.
  • Version Nr - This is generated by the system. Everything you update data, an entity gets a new version
  • Type - This is provided by the user
  • Document URL - This is provided by the user. You can present this link in dynamic visualizations.
  • Owner - This is provided by the user (future option)
  • Primary User - This is provided by the user (future option)
dragon1 attributes in architecture repository in cabinet

Attributes in Cabinet.

  • Entity Class - This is generated by the system
  • Category - This is provided by the user
  • Tags - This is provided by the user
  • Visible - If you do not want an item to appear in a search list, you can set it to invisible
  • Deleted - If you no longer want to have access to an item, you can set it to 'deleted'. This does not mean it is removed from the database. But you can only access it in the recycle bin, where you can choose to undelete your item.
  • Date Created - This is generated by the system
  • Date Edited - This is generated by the system
  • Created By User - This is generated by the system
  • Edited By User - This is generated by the system
  • Weight - This is provided by the user. It dictates the order in the tree view.
  • Data Source - This is provided by the user (future option)
  • Data Source Holder - This is provided by the user (future option)
dragon1 attributes in cabinet

More Attributes in Cabinet.

  • Benefits
  • Costs
  • Date Introduced
  • Date Phased Out
  • Locked
  • Usage
  • Justification
  • Dynamic Link
  • Publication Status
  • Workflow Status
  • Life Cycle Status
  • Dynamic Link
  • Notes
  • Raw Data
dragon1 create cabinet in architecture repository

Create a Cabinet in Architecture Repository.

dragon1 architecture repository created cabinet

Created a Cabinet.

Search your Data

Dragon1 makes it easy to search for your data.

If you have entered a name, title, description, or image, you can look up your cabinet just like this.

dragon1 search data in cabinet

Search for Data in your Cabinet.