Edit or Move a Folder

You can change the name of a folder and its publication status or move a folder and its content to another folder.

Steps to take

Take the following steps to change the name of a folder, its publication status, and its parent folder:

  1. Open a cabinet
  2. Select and open a dossier
  3. Select a folder
  4. Click on 'Edit' on the menu bar
  5. In the New/Edit Dialog, type in a different name on the identity tab
  6. In the New/Edit Dialog, select a different publication status from the publication status list on the identity tab
  7. In the New/Edit Dialog, select a different parent folder from the folder list on the identity tab
  8. Click OK on the dialog
  9. Check if the name, status, and folder have changed correctly by looking at the Explorer TreeView and going with the mouse to the folder. You should see it in a different folder with a different name; the tooltip should state a new status.
dragon1 new open edit dialog

The New/Open Edit Dialog after a user has selected a folder and clicked on 'Edit' on the menu bar.

Drag and Drop a Folder

Drag and Drop of a TreeView folder will soon be available.