Color Schemes
You can create nice-looking visualizations using color schemes.
The predefined colorschemes have a clear and have 5 to 10 colors, each assigned to a predefined property of a visualization.
the properties are:
- backgroundcolor
- titlecolor and subtitlecolor
- teamcolor, copyrighttextcolor and infotextcolor
- area / group fill color
- area / group stroke color
- shape fill color
- shape stroke color
- relationship stroke color
Set colorscheme=Dragon1 in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The Dragon1 color scheme has the following colors:
Set colorscheme=Paris in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The paris color scheme has the following colors:
Set colorscheme=Spring in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The spring color scheme has the following colors:
Set colorscheme=Nature in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The nature color scheme has the following colors:
Set colorscheme=Fruits in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The fruits color scheme has the following colors:
Set colorscheme=Artic in the workboard object, the atlas object or visualization object.
The artic color scheme has the following colors: