Comment a Visualization

Supporting Decision-Making

One of the purposes of the Visualizations in Dragon1 is decision-making. To support decision-making, the users should be able to add comments, issues, actions, and decisions to a Visualization. Dragon1 offers a quick edit functionality for this process.

How to Comment a Visualization?

Follow the steps below to add a comment to a Visualization in Dragon1:

  • Log in
  • Click on the 'Data Dashboard' menu option, under 'Collaboration'.
dragon1 data dashboard to navigate to visualizations

Use the Data Dashboard to navigate to the Visualizations.

  • Click the 'Visualizations' tile in the Data Dashboard.
  • A list view appears, showing the available Visualizations.
dragon1 choose visualization to publish

Choose the visualization to publish from the list of Visualizations.

  • Click on a Visualization that needs to be commented on.
  • Click on the 'Add Comment' button in the button bar on top of the screen.
  • Add a comment in the pop-up dialog and press 'OK'.
dragon1 add comment to visualization

Add a Comment to a Visualization.

The Comment is added to the Visualization and shows up in the 'Comments' section in the right bottom corner of the screen. Adding Decisions, Issues, and Actions work the same way.

dragon1 comment added to visualization

The Comment is added.