Document / Visualization Link

A Document / Visualization Link is a forwarding setting for an object (or entity) in case you click on it.

You can create static links and dynamic links (these are links with a parameter).

Collaboration / Data Entry Application

You can set the Document Link for any object (entity) stored in the repository.

To set the document link:

  • Go to the Collaboration application
  • Select an entity class
  • Select an entity
  • Fill in a URL in the Document / Visualization Link attribute
  • Click on Save.

If the object shows up on a visualization in an atlas, and you do a mouseover on the object, a dialog will popup showing the document link.

Press SHIFT to be able to go with your mouse to the link and click on it.

If you click the object, you can see the link in the left bar and see a Link button. If you click on the button or the link you are forwarded to the visualization.

Link Options

You have the following options for the Document Link

  • [visualizationid] - Enter a [visualizationid], for instance, 1204117. You are forwarded in an atlas to that visualization with a click on the link in the popup box or by clicking on the Link button at the bar on the left.
  • http: or https: - Enter a correct http or https link, to be forwarded in a new window to that URL.
  • visualization - Enter Visualization:[id], for instance, Visualization:1204117.
  • view - Enter View:[id], for instance, View:10673. The view is executed for the current visualization
  • model - Enter Model:[id], for instance, Model:336643. The model is generated on a blank canvas.
  • frame - Enter Frame:[id], for instance, Frame:5. You are forwarded in the current window to that frame with a click on the link.
  • layer - Enter Layer:[id], for instance, Layer:7. You are forwarded in the current window to that layer with a click on the link.

Dynamic Links

You can work with parameterized links. All you need to do is to add the attribute name between parenthesis (). For instance, View:12345(applicationid). If you do this, with a click on this link, Dragon1 will pass the value or values for that attribute to the view. In the Viewer, you can make use of the value in any way you want.

Broken Links

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