Create User Defined Attributes

Dragon1 supports creating user-defined attributes or properties to any entityclass.

You can extend, for example, a Process or Application with special costs or management attributes.

Also, you can create a default list of attributes in your account for a specific entityclass.

How to Add User-Defined Attributes (Architecture Repository)

To add user-defined attributes:

  • Go to the Architecture Repository
  • Open a cabinet and select a folder
  • Select / Click on a data object in the folder
  • Now you see a form with the data attributes of that data object
  • Click on Edit Form
  • Now enter the name of an attribute
  • Click on Add Attribute to create a new attribute
  • Click on Update Attributes to store your changes
  • Click on Edit Form to go back to the data form
  • Now you see you can enter values for your attributes in this form (scroll down to see them)
dragon1 add user-defined attributes in architecture repository

Add User-Defined Attributes in the Architecture Repository.

How to Add User-Defined Attributes (Visual Designer)

To add user-defined attributes:

  • Go to the Visual Designer
  • Open a cabinet and select a folder
  • Select / Click on a data object in the folder
  • At the top right-hand side, you see the generic attributes of the data object.
  • Here, you can add, update, and delete user-defined attributes.
  • If a list of default attributes is configured in your account, you will see these attributes also here.
dragon1 add user-defined attributes in visual designer

Add User-Defined Attributes in the Visual Designer.