Dynamic Views - Scenario 9: List View

Dragon1 supports creating a list of items on a visualization.

Here we will present a basic scenario, where you enter 10 stakeholders and their photos and list them on a visualization

Step 1: Enter the data in the Architecture Repository

You either upload a list of data via the Import web application or you enter manually some data.

Make sure you place the basic data for a stakeholder in the same folder or create one model or catalog with it.

dragon1 list of stakeholders

This screenshot shows a list of stakeholders.

dragon1 enter a stakeholder

This screenshot shows how to enter a stakeholder.

dragon1 enter visual item

This screenshot shows how to enter a visual item.

Step 2: Setup a Visualization

Create a visualization in a folder and insert a Visual Item in the Architecture Repository. Next, go to the Visual Designer and select the visualization.

Next, insert a Visual Item (the sun shape) and insert the Visual Item from the folder on the canvas. Save the Visualization.

Do a right mouse click and add the following data as is shown in the screenshot below. You are now telling the Visual Item where it can find the data for the stakeholders and how to generate it on the visualization.

dragon1 inserted visual item onto canvas

This screenshot shows an Inserted Visual Item onto a canvas.

dragon1 set up a visual item

This screenshot shows how to set up a visual item for showing a list of stakeholder data that resides in a folder.

Step 3: Generate the Visualization

If you select the visualization in the folder and click on View Data, you will see the list of stakeholders being generated.

Step 4: Using the Items as Selectors

You can use this list in many ways, for instance, as a selector for views and visualizations.

If you administer 10 pictures, catalogs, models, views or visualizations, just by clicking on a stakeholder you can have it viewed.

First, enter 10 domains, products and processes and give them pictures in the architecture repository.

Next, create relationships in the architecture repository between the stakeholders, products and processes via the domain.

Next, add a Visual Item on the visualization for domains and set it up as shown below.

Finally, add the following to the Data Attributes of the stakeholder visual item as shown below, so that on a click, the domain is made visible that belongs to the stakeholder.