Dynamic Views - Scenario 2: Hub and Spoke View

In this scenario we are going to generate a circle using all the entities from a model that are related to a certain other entity.

To set up this dynamic view, you need to have data like in the screenshot below. You need to have two entity classes, like stakeholders and capabilities, a model, and the models' relationships that connect the stakeholders with the capabilities.

Use the Architecture Repository application to enter the data (entities, model and relationships).

dragon1 use architecture repository to enter data

Use the Architecture Repository application to enter the data.

dragon1 enter data for entities, model and relationships

Enter data for the entities, model and relationships.

Next, you need to create a visualization item in a folder in the Architecture Repository application.

Then you place two shapes on the canvas in the Visual Designer. Next, you enter the various fields as data to the shapes. Just like the screenshots show you. Select a shape and do a right mouse click to enter the data per shape in the dialog.

In the Architecture Repository application you can fetch the modelid you need to reference.

dragon1 place to shapes on the canvas

Place two shapes on the canvas.

dragon1 enter the various fields as data to the shapes

Enter the various fields as data to the shapes.

Finally, click on the view data button and you see your dynamic view.

dragon1 click on the view data button

Click on the view data button and you see your dynamic view.

When the data in the repository changes, this view will also change.

If you press 'Save', the generated items will not be saved. If you press the 'Clear View' button, the generated items will be removed.

More Dynamic View Scenarios

Here is an overview of all the dynamic view scenarios