Edit Entity Name

You can edit the name of an entity in the Architecture Repository and the Visual Designer.

Edit the entity name in the Architecture Repository

To edit the name of an entity:

  • Open a cabinet
  • Select an entity in a folder
  • Change the name in the form
  • Click the Update button

The Explorer Treeview shows the entity's name was updated.

Tip: In the Business Analyzer, you can get a report on edits of names by user.

Edit the entity name in the Visual Designer

To edit the name of an entity:

  • Go to the Visual Designer
  • Open a cabinet
  • Select an entity in a folder
  • Click on the name of the entity at the top of the menu
  • Edit the name of the entity in the Dialog
  • Click OK
  • Now you see in the Explorer Treeview that the entity's name was updated.

Screenshots of Editing the Entity Names

dragon1 edit entity name in architecture repository

Edit Entity Name in the Architecture Repository.

dragon1 edit entity name via change name dialog in visual designer

Edit Entity Name via the Change Name Dialog in the Visual Designer.