Inline Editing

Using an Inline Editor

Dragon1 offers the possibility to make quick changes inside a Model by using an inline editor. This topic demonstrates how to use the inline editor.

How to use the inline editor?

Inline editing can be done inside a Model in the Viewer by following these steps:

  • Log in.
  • Click 'Viewer'in the left menu bar.
dragon1 select upload model in viewer

Select or upload a Model in the Viewer.

  • Select or upload a model to open the Viewer. Uploading is done by clicking the 'Upload .dragon1 File' button in the upper bar.
dragon1 model opened in viewer

Model opened in the Viewer with detail pane.

  • Click an icon in the Model (e.g. Loading Zone). A detail pane on the left shows up, containing two Pencils.
  • Click the upper Pencil to change the name of the icon.
dragon1 edit title link in detail pane

Edit a title or link in the detail pane with the inline editor.

  • When done editing, click the Pencil again to make the change visible in the Model.
dragon1 edited model using inline editor

Edited model by using the inline editor.

The same can be done for the lower Pencil (Link). In that case, a popup will appear in which a link to a document or external website can be made.