Insights through Data Analytics Reports

Dynamic Reports

When working with a large number of Entities, Processes, Visualizations etcetera, it can be difficult to keep a good overview. For many people colors are an efficient way to keep a good overview, therefore Dragon1 offers the option to create dynamic reports to analyze the data stored.

Steps to create a Data Analytics Report

The dynamic report can be created in five easy steps:

  • Go to the Collaboration Data Dashboard
  • Click on one of the tiles, e.g. 'Application'
  • Click on 'Report'
  • Enter the name of an attribute (DataStatus) and a value (Approved)
  • Select a report color and click 'OK'

The rows in the list will change color for the matching attribute.

dragon1 basic report

A basic dynamic Data Analytics Report (List).

The data can be shown in either a list view or in a gallery view (with normal or large-sized tiles).

  • Click on the Gallery button (in the top left corner).
  • Click on the shape enlarge button (in the top left corner).
dragon1 data analytics report

A basic dynamic Data Analytics Report (Tiles).

Tips and Tricks

Below a number of tips and tricks to get more out of the dynamic Data Analytics Reports.

Tip #1: Multiple colors

In a list multiple colors can be used at the same time. This can come quite handy in case a report has to be created on multiple attribute values.

Tip #2: Not all attributes

At this moment the report is supported by a number of data attributes, such as 'DataStatus'. The DataStatus is the most commonly used attribute. Future versions of Dragon1 will support more data attributes for reporting.

Tip #3: Revert to normal

Reverting to a list without colored rows is as easy as leaving the list screen and then returning to it (e.g. by opening one of the rows in the list).