Overview Archifacts and Entity Classes

Overview of Archifacts

The screenshots of the Archifacts Insert Dialog below show the default available Dragon1 Archifacts* that can be inserted in the Architecture Repository and the Visual Designer.

*) Archifacts (Architecture Artifacts) are special architecture-related Entity Classes. Archifacts are entity classes, but often, they are not part of your system or solution design but need, refer to, use, or require your system or solution design.

dragon1 archifacts

Overview of Archifacts.

Overview of Entity Classes

The screenshot of the Entity Classes Insert Dialog below shows the default available Dragon1 Entity Classes that can be inserted in the Architecture Repository and the Visual Designer.

These Entity Classes are normally part of the system or solution design.

Dragon1 offers 500 standard and defined Entity Classes. This Dialog only shows some 100+ of them.

dragon1 entity classes

Overview of Entity Classes.

Dragon1 Meta Models

Based on the metamodel you choose, these Archifacts have or have not certain relationships with other Archifacts or Entity Classes.

If you want to know what relationship an Archifact or Entity Class has with other Archifacts or Entity Classes, you can follow this link for the Dragon1 Reference Meta Models:

Dragon1 Definitions

Every Archifact and Entity Class on Dragon1 is defined. To learn the definition, look at the bottom right of the Architecture Repository after selecting an Archifact or Entity Class. Also, in the Visual Designer, you can do a mouseover on an Archifact or Entity Class and see a definition popup.

If you like, you can change the meta models and definition and create your meta models and entity classes on Dragon1.