Publish a Visualization

Publication Status

Visualizations can be shared via publishing. To control the number of people capable of seeing the Visualization, Dragon1 uses a mechanism in which the author can specify who can see the Visualization. This mechanism is called the 'Publication Status'.

Dragon1 supports five publication statuses:

  • Unpublished
    Typically used for drafts, this is the default status.
  • Private
    Only visible for the user.
  • Privileged
    Visible for the user and a selected group of people.
  • Public
    Visible for all Dragon1 users.
  • Worldwide
    Visible for everyone in the world.

How to publish a Visualization?

To publish a Visualization, the following steps have to be taken:

  • Log in.
  • Click the 'Data Dashboard' menu option under 'Collaboration'.
dragon1 data dashboard navigate visualizations

Use the Data Dashboard to navigate to Visualizations.

  • Click the 'Visualizations' tile in the Data Dashboard.
    A list view appears, showing the available Visualizations.
dragon1 list visualizations

Choose the visualization to publish.

  • Click on a Visualization that needs to be published.
  • Click the 'Edit' button in the button bar on the screen.
    The Visualization opens for editing.
  • Click on the 'Publication Status' drop-down list, and select a publication status (e.g., Public).
  • Click on the 'Save' button to save the new publication status.
dragon1 set publication status visualization

Set the Publication Status of the Visualization.

  • In the left menu bar, click on the 'Viewer'.
    The search page of the Viewer appears, showing a grid of tiles containing published Visualizations.
dragon1 published visualizations

Overview of published Visualizations in the Viewer.