Sticky Shapes and Broken Links

It could be that you run into sticky shapes in your model or visualization.

If that is the case, you can resolve the problem using the Validator in your Visual Designer.

The reason for the sticky shapes is that the software ran into a link in your model that is pointing to a nonexistent ID of a shape. This can be caused by a cache, timeout or other events. Removing the bad link is the solution to this problem.

Removing Bad Links

To find and remove bad links, use the Validator.

When you run into a sticky shape, click on the button 'Validate' in the Button bar of your Drawing Context.

In the Validate Dialog click on Check for Bad Links.

The software will now check all the links in your model or visualization. When it is done it will tell if it has found bad links. In that case, you will be presented with a link to remove all the bad links.

If you click on that link the software will remove the bad links. If it has finished it will show an alert box telling so. After that, you can check your model if you have no more sticky shapes.

Finally save your model and load it again, and proceed with your work.

Example Screenshot

dragon1 model validation bad links

Model Validation Bad Links.

Contact the Service Desk

If you want to contact the service desk in this matter you can do so. Mail us via