Upload Images and Documents

You can upload your own bitmap (jpf, png, gif, bmp) and vector images (svg) and documents (.docx, .xlsx,. pptx, .pdf) and use them in shapes on visualizations and as bitmaps to identity your data or as links from pages in your resource center.

Upload an Image or Document

To upload an Image or Document:

  • Make sure you are logged in!
  • Go to the following link: https://www.dragon1.com/resourcecenter-upload
  • NOTE: First select a folder in your account sites folders in the treeview
  • Now click on Choose File (this text could be in another language depending on the settings of your computer)
  • Select a file on your computer
  • Click Ok
  • Click Upload
  • You can verify if the image is uploaded by looking it up and selecting it.
dragon1 upload image

Screenshot of the Image Upload application.

Use an Uploaded Image on a Visualization

To use an uploaded image on a visualization:

  • Go to the Visual Designer
  • Open a cabinet and select a visualization in a folder
  • Click on an image shape on the visualization (or drag it from the shapes libraries (at the left bottom of the screen)
  • Click on Edit Image (via the context menu)
  • Enter something like the following link: /getImage.ashx?image=/sites/--your sites folder name--/myimage.png
  • Click on Apply
  • Save your visualization
dragon1 upload image application

Screenshot of a specified uploaded image.

Currently, you still have to use the ashx-file prefix. In a few months, that will not be necessary.

The file prefix exists because your site's folder and files are protected from access.

Shortly, the uploaded images will automatically be loaded into a shapes library at the bottom of your screen, holding the name of your account.

Use an Uploaded Image as Identifying Bitmap

You can use an uploaded image to identify your data.

To use an uploaded image:

  • Go to the Architecture Repository.
  • Open a cabinet and select a data entity in a folder.
  • Click the browse button for the uploaded image or enter a URL.
  • Click on update.
  • If you do this for a visualization, model, or view, this image will be used in the Viewer and on watch pages when listing this content.
dragon1 bitmap image data identification

Screenshot of the Architecture Repository where a bitmap was selected to identify this data entity on pages visually.