View Rules

Data Properties or Attributes on View Rules.

A View is a filter on top of a model.

A rule is a procedure that applies to a subject. In this case a view.

A rule consists of three parts:

  • Rule Event - a specified event, that upon happening in combination with the condition, will trigger the action to be executed
  • Rule Condition - a specified condition, that once it is met in combination with the event, will trigger the action to be executed
  • Rule Action - a specified action that is to be executed on a certain event and for a certain condition

Rule Events

The rule events for Views are:

  • onload - when the view is selected in the tree view or loaded by a visualization
  • onclickdocument - when the user clicks anywhere on the visualization
  • onclickshape - when the user clicks the shape
  • ondatetime([datetime US]) - when a date-time is met
  • oninterval([seconds]) - every interval of n seconds, the specified action is executed

The rule event field is case insensitive.

Rule Conditions

The rule conditions for Views are:

  • EntityClass=[name of the entity class]
  • EntityType=[name of the entity type]
  • EntityId=[id of the entity instance]
  • EntityName=[name of the entity instance]
  • RelatedToId=[id of the entity instance]
  • RelatedToName=[name of the entity instance]
  • RelatedToType=[name of the entity type]
  • HavingAttributeValue=[name of the attribute, value of the attribute]

Use an ampersand or a semicolon to combine conditions: EntityClass=*&EntityType=Business. This means all entityclasses are included that have the type Business.

If a name is not unique, all occurrences will be included.

The rule condition field is case insensitive.

Rule Action

The rule actions for Views are:

  • show([attribute name]). For instance: showtext(name)
  • showtext([attribute name]). For instance: showtext(title)
  • showicon([atribute name). For instance:showicon(owner). Limit yourself to 4 icons per shape.
  • hide()
  • colorbackground([color])
  • colorfill([color])
  • colorborder([color])
  • flashbackground([color])
  • flashfill([color])
  • flashborder([color])
  • move([x-delta], [y-delta]) - the position are relative to it origin
  • path([x1,y1], [x2, y2], [pathtype]) - pathtype = line, arc, zig zag, fly, circle
  • sound([url to sound file .mp3 or .wav])

Use an ampersand or a semicolon to combine actions: show(cost);colorbackground(red).

If a name is not unique, all occurrences will be included.

The rule condition field is case insensitive.