Visual Designer Import
Dragon1 provides three applications for importing data:
- The Import Application
- The Architecture Repository (Quick CSV Import Only)
- The Visual Designer. That is explained on this page.
Supported Import Formats
Every user will have files with data to import. This data can be any type of export file or common data transfer file.
Dragon1 supports the following formats:
- Signavio XML exports (BPMN language and ArchiMate language)
- MS Visio VSDX
- MS Visio VDX (Lucidchart)
- Archi XML exports (ArchiMate 3.1 language)
- Studio XML exports (ArchiMate 3.1 language)
- Topdesk XML exports
- BMC/Remedy XML exports
Import CSV
If you want to import data and quickly generate a model with it, you can make use of the CSV Text import in the Visual Designer.
- Login to Dragon1
- Go to the Visual Designer (
- Select menu item: File --> Import --> CSV Import
- Copy the CSV text from your file into the computer cache (CTRL-C)
- Paste the CSV text from your computer's cache into the CSV Import Dialog text field (CTRL-V)
- Click on the Import button in the CSV Import Dialog
- Next, the Visual Designer will generate a model
Line of Data Format
Dragon1 supports the following format for lines of data in your import data:
- Make sure that the first row contains the fieldheadings: field1, field2, field3, field4,..... (max field = 100)
- Make sure that all the following rows contain the field values: value1, value2, value3, value4,..... (max field = 100)
- Make sure you do not use the comma (,) in a field without using double quotes. If you need to use a comma in a field value, do it like this "Dragon1, Inc."
- You can create a .CSV file in applications like Notepad, Excel, and the Open Office spreadsheet application.
Configure Relationships
Every row of data is a set of relationships. Value1 is connected to Value2 and Value1 and Value2 are connected to Value3.
To tell the import mechanism which relationships to use when generating the model and which type of entities to leave alone, provide the following configuration lines in your import file:
- # connect {label:'this is relationship type 1', from:field1, to:field2}
- # connect {label:'this is relationship type 1', from:field1, to:field2}
- # ignore {field2, field4}