What is a View

On Dragon1, a View is defined as a filter of a model for certain data entities.

An example of a view is: Functionally fit Applications.

This would filter out / hide all applications that are not functionally fit.

Often, a view is a meaning aspect or subset of a model.

Other examples of views are:

  • Technically fit applications
  • Standards Compliant applications
  • Cost Heat map application

Read more about how to define Views

Dynamic Views

Views are dynamic or real-time. So when the data in the model changes, the view changes.

Read more about Dynamic Views


A Viewpoint is the (abstract) point or location from which a stakeholder looks at data.

A stakeholder has needs and interests because of their experience, expertise, job, or role. So, there are things they find important to see, understand, or know. With views, we can provide that.

Viewpoint examples are: IT Management Viewpoint, TAX Viewpoint, Security Viewpoint, Privacy Viewpoint.

A view can be linked to a stakeholder view and viewpoint.

Define Views via Classes, Attributes and Values

Providing classes is the easiest way to define views. If you provide one or more classes for a view, these data objects match these classes.

If you provide an attribute and a value, then Dragon1 will only let through data objects that match with these classes, attributes, and values.

Define Views via Relationships

Adding relationships is a second way to define views. If you add a relationship in the collaboration application, Dragon1 will only let through data objects that have a matching relationship.

Define Views via Rules

Configuring rules is a third way to define views.

If you configure one or more rules, Dragon1 will only let through data objects that match the rules.

JSON Example

The JSON definition of a simple view is:

{"class":"view", "name":"functionally fit view", "classes":"application", "attributes":"tag", "values":"functionally fit"}