Workplace Metric Widgets

Dragon1 provides you with Metric Widgets in your workplace. You can also place these metric widgets in your visualizations.

What is a Metric Widget?

dragon1 metric widget

An Example Metric Widget.

A metric widget is a small panel with a number and text that measures and communicates a value.

How to set up a Metric Widget?

You can select from a list of metric widgets in the settings. Here you have some layout options.

Per metric you can configure where the widget should get its data from: what value of what entity class and which formula to use.

In the workplace, you as a user can change on the fly which selected and configured Metric Widget should be shown.

Priorities and KPIs

On Dragon1, you can manage your priorities, goals, and issues and relate them to KPIs.

Every metric widget can be configured to be communicating a KPI.

Common KPIs configured are:

  • Average order value
  • Missed Milestones
  • Percentage of tasks completed
  • Net profit margin
  • Current Ratio

Visit this page for an overview of more than 100 KPIs

Example Metric Widgets

dragon1 workplace metric widgets

In this screenshot you see four example metrics.

By clicking on the text, you can select a different metric on the fly.