Dragon1 EA Modeling Language

Introduction into Dragon1 EA Modeling Language

The Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language, as part of Dragon1, is a set of entity classes, symbols, and rules for creating formal and informal models in the field of Enterprise Architecture. One of the advantages of using a modeling language for enterprise architecture is higher productivity, efficiency, and unambiguity.

Basis is a Meta Meta Model

dragon1 enterprise architecture modeling language eaml title=

Dragon1, in its core, recognizes the following base class models: meta-model, user model, and instance model.

The meta meta-model consists most importantly of 'entity', 'attribute', 'relationship', and 'state'. With that and other constructs, it defines the possible entity classes with which the Dragon1 meta-model can be created, and so forth.

The meta-model defines concepts and relationships for conceptual modeling. Dragon1 also defines rules for extending the Dragon1 meta-model with new specific entity classes.

The Dragon1 open EA Method contains an Enterprise Architecture Framework with generic reference models and an EA modeling language. The reference models make use of the modeling language. Dragon1, as a modeling language, consists of 400+ entity classes or concepts. The download below contains the most recent and full list of these entity classes.

Every entity class is defined and has its own symbol and modeling constraints and rules. Also, various types of models, viewpoints, views, and visualizations (diagrams) are defined like an architecture view layout.

Dragon1 EA Modeling Language Elements [PDF]

If, in your opinion, an important generic entity class or concept used at organizations, enterprises, or companies is missing from this list, please notify us via info@dragon1.co,m and we will consider your suggestions at the Dragon1 Architecture Foundation.

Overview of Core Dragon1 EA Modeling Terms

Dragon1 EA Modeling encompasses modeling at four levels of abstraction: Conceptual Modeling, Logical Modeling, Physical Modeling, and Implementation Modeling.

The basics of Dragon1 EA Conceptual Modeling are centered around the following core terms:

  1. architect
  2. owner/client
  3. stakeholder
  4. program of requirements
  5. framework
  6. design
  7. decision
  8. realization, build
  9. need, issue
  10. concern
  11. system
  12. structure
  13. phenomenon
  14. location
  15. space
  16. time
  17. money
  18. infrastructure
  19. facility
  20. architecture
  21. construction
  22. operation
  23. decoration
  24. principle
  25. performance
  26. quality
  27. requirement
  28. cost
  29. benefit
  30. (logical) function
  31. (technical) form
  32. ability
  33. capability
  34. disability
  35. objective
  36. model
  37. view
  38. viewpoint
  39. visualization
  40. entity
  41. concept
  42. element
  43. component
  44. technical product
  45. principle
  46. result
  47. person
  48. human
  49. animal
  50. robot
  51. machine
  52. computer
  53. document
  54. enterprise
  55. business
  56. infrastructure
  57. plan
  58. project
  59. budget
  60. solution
  61. deliverable
  62. milestone
  63. phase
  64. stage
  65. activity
  66. task
  67. process
  68. service
  69. product
  70. good
  71. mechanical
  72. manual
  73. automated
  74. robotized
  75. virtual
  76. digital
  77. physical

The Core Terms explained

On the resources pages, we will explain what the terms mean, their relationship, and why you need them as architects. All is explained from the viewpoint of an architect.

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