Dragon1 ACADEMIC Edition

Learn to create valuable models, views and diagrams.


If you are a student, you have come to the right place!

Dragon1 ACADEMIC is the academical version of Dragon1, the digital platform for enterprise architecture.

To qualify for the academic edition, you need:

  • To be under 23 years of age and provide proof of that with an ID Card
  • To be registered at a university and provide proof of that with an ID Card
  • Have an email from your university and use that as a username

Design, Publish, and Learn about Digital Models

Dragon1 is a full-scale Enterprise Architecture Tool supporting ArchiMate, TOGAF, Flowchart, BPMN, and UML out of the box.

As a student, you will learn here to create valuable models, views, diagrams, presentations, and other visualizations for academic purposes.

Dragon1 has a repository and web applications. All your work is stored for later reuse, and you can collaborate with other students.

Take a look at the Examples and the content in the Viewer to see what you can be creating with Dragon1.

Screenshot of the Visual Designer

dragon1 academic visual designer

Tutorials, Templates, and Generation of Visualizations

In Dragon1 ACADEMIC, we have a set of tutorials and templates so you can quickly learn and generate high-quality visualizations. Below you see a list of some of the templates, not all, we have put in the Dragon1 ACADEMIC edition for you:

List of Tutorials: Create a Dragon1 Page, Do An Architecture Project, Create an Enterprise Architecture Model, Create an Application Landscape, Create a Process Landscape, Create an Enterprise Architecture, Create a Business Model, Create a Business Process Model, Step by Step Guide, Use a Blueprint Template

List of Templates: Architecture View Layout, Enterprise Architecture Framework, Enterprise Architecture Blueprint, Application Landscape, Business Functions Model, Mood Board, Mind Map, Strategy Map, Infographic, Business Model Canvas, UML Use Case Model, BPMN Process Model, Flowchart Diagram, TOGAF Capability Diagram, and more.

You can spread knowledge about new concepts, like Robotization. Teach yourself or educate other people on new concepts like Smart Cities. For instance, you can use the platform internally in business / IT projects and externally for marketing communication.


Dragon1 has five unique sets of features for you:

  • 2d Modeling, Presentation and Business Diagramming

  • Content generation using templates, sharing, and viewing online.

  • Social networking: User Profile, ePortfolio, Blogging, and Discussions.

  • Six out-of-the-box modeling standards: ArchiMate, BPMN, Dragon1, Flowchart, TOGAF and UML.

  • eLearning

Key Features List

Per Dragon1 application the key features are listed below:

Dragon1 Application


Visual Designer Design and analyze impressive interactive 2d landscapes and blueprints to your desired situation.
Architecture Repository Create models, diagrams, and presentations using data, templates, layers, frames, popups, clickable links, rules, and indicators.
Workplace Collaboration with your fellow students and teacher
Viewer Publish, Present and View Models, Presentations and Diagrams.
Profiler and Blogger Create and manage your user profile, make it public (findable in search engines) or private and create and publish blogs.
ePortfolio Create and Manage your online CV with created content on Dragon1.

Service and Support

As a user of Dragon1 ACADEMIC, you have the following support options available:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Help pages
  • Discussion Forum
  • Technical service desk - If you encounter an issue or bug, we will respond compliantly to the bronze service level.

Why an ACADEMIC Edition?

Since we’ve never liked students having to pay much for software, we have introduced the Dragon1 ACADEMIC Edition for only 1200 euros per year.

You get to decide if and how you want to learn to create models and diagrams in your study or at school.

In addition, if you are a teacher and want to collaborate with several colleagues or work from different locations, you also need the Dragon1 PRO edition. Read more about the differences between the editions of Dragon1 here.

Dragon1 ACADEMIC gives you limited access to a repository where your data is stored.

There is not that much more to say other than to create an account, log in, and get started. Any questions you have for us, you can email them to info@dragon1.com.

Architecting Solutions