Start Aligning Your Enterprise Structures: Architecture, Information Systems, Business Model, and Strategy
Systems Engineers, Enterprise Architects, Solution Architects, and Software Architects in large organizations using Dragon1 for Systems Engineering are more productive and offer added value.
Dragon1 supports you in discovering the principles, rules, and standards that are missing or have been poorly implemented but are vital for your strategy, business model, solutions, architectures and information systems. Next, the software supports architects in designing and implementing their ideas better.
Enterprise System Engineering Solutions for Data-Driven Decision Making.
Organizations Running More Efficient and Profitable
Dragon1 Software supports Architects and Engineers in bridging the gap between strategy, information systems, and business change by creating business and IT products like system architectures, diagrams, blueprints, roadmaps, data visualizations, and more.
Dragon1 is an EAM suite with an EA repository. That means that you will always have repository functionality in the software. You can store, collect, (re)use, and manage data in a repository.
Dragon1 relies on the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) classification: Enterprise Systems Engineering (ESE) pertains to the view of enterprises. Meaning: organizations or combinations of organizations can be viewed as systems.
Dragon1 Systems of Systems Engineering For CTO
Dragon1 offers you Engineering Software for Architecting as defined by Gartner and Forrester.
Systems of Systems Engineering for Architecting Organizations.
Use Case: Engineering and Implementing a New Information System
Suppose the company has decided to implement a new information system, for instance, a CRM, a Dataware House, a Chatbot, or a new Banking Application.
Replacing the old system with the new one will often impact many other systems, processes, data, and IT infrastructure devices. This impact can cause a reduced level of services to clients. Projects do fail because of this.
An information system is a coherent set of applications, interfaces, and databases. The old system may have one or more applications that interface with other systems outdatedly. This could mean that also these other systems need to be updated or replaced.
It could also be that the old system or other systems are running on an old, outdated operating system platform or IT infrastructure components that cannot host the new information system.
If your Architects have designed, engineered, documented, and aligned these EA documents with the strategy, you always know the important dependencies of objects and which principles and IT standards your objects (processes, applications, data, and IT Infra components) use. You would always be busy ensuring that outdated and non-compliant objects are replaced promptly.
You also have planned a more realistic timeline and budget for implementing the information system and organizing temporary solutions and alternatives during the migration.
Get Started as System Architect
If you work as an IT contractor or consultant, purchase your Dragon1 PRO user license online in the Store. If you, as a manager, want to start working with Dragon1 Software for your Business and IT Teams, please get in touch with us at We are happy to discuss your needs and to get started.
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