Architecture Principles Research - Literature References

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Literature References

On this page, the list with all literature references is published:

  • [BBHP07] P. van Bommel, P.G. Buitenhuis, S.J.B.A. Hoppenbrouwers, and H.A. Proper, Architecture Principles – A Regulative Perspective on Enterprise Architecture. In M. Reichert, S. Strecker, and K. Turowski, editors, Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA2007), number 119 in Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 47–60, Bonn, Germany, EU, Oktober 2007. Gesellschaft fur Informatik.’
  • [Bui07] P.G. Buitenhuis, Fundamenten van het principle (Foundations of principles). Master’s thesis, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, EU, March 2007. In Dutch.
  • [CJN+07] G.J.N.M. Chorus, Y.H.C. Janse, C.J.P. Nellen, S.J.B.A. Hoppenbrouwers, and H.A. Proper, Formalizing Architecture Principles using Object-Role Modelling. Via Nova Architectura, February 2007.
  • [Dragon1/07] M.A. Paauwe, Het methodisch raamwerk voor enterprise architectuur van Paauwe, december 2007.
  • [Dragon1/08a] M.A. Paauwe, Dragon1 Stappenplan – Architectuurprincipes opstellen, reviewen en herformuleren v0.15.2c, september 2008.
  • [Dragon1/08b] M.A. Paauwe, Dragon1 Architectuurprincipesschema – versie 0.3c, november 2008.
  • [Dragon10] Website Dragon1, Dragon1 –, november 2010.
  • [DYA06] Bijdrage van S. Bouwens, senior informatie architect, Sogeti Nederland B.V, aan de rubriek ‘Archi-tekst’ op
  • [DYA08] S. Bouwens, White Paper 'Architectuurprincipes', deel 1: Basics, april 2008.
  • [GEA01] – Architectuurprincipes
  • [IEE00] Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software Intensive Systems. Technical Report IEEE P1471–2000, The Architecture Working Group of the Software Engineering Committee, Standards Department, IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, September 2000.
  • [Paauwe10] M.A. Paauwe, De geschiedenis van architectuurprincipes, Uitgeverij Paauwe, ISBN: 9789490873035, deels gepubliceerd op XR Magazine in oktober 2010.
  • [Paauwe/Rijsenbrij07] M.A. Paauwe en D.B.B. Rijsenbrij, november 2007, Digitale architectuur in beeld brengen en communiceren op basis van het Paauwe-Rijsenbrij Visualisatieschema, Versie 0.3 – een verkenning.
  • [SBV06] SBVR Team. Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR). Technical Report dtc/06–03–02, Object Management Group, Needham, Massachusetts, USA, March 2006.
  • [TOGAF08] Website Open Group – TOGAF, /togaf, november 2008.
  • [Rijsenbrij04] D.B.B. Rijsenbrij (2004), Architectuur in de digitale wereld (versie nulpuntdrie). Inaugurale rede (2004).
  • [xAF06] xAF working group. Extensible Architecture Framework version 1.1 (formal edition). Technical report, 2006.
  • [Paauwe09] Understanding Architecture Principles as the way things work –
  • De Nederlandse Corporate Governance Code 2009,
  • Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, Cyril M. Harris, 9780071351782.
  • A Visual Dictionary of Architecture, Francis D.K. Ching, 2005, 9780471284512.
  • Basic Elements of Landscape Architectural Design, 1983, 78-0-88133-478.
  • Basic Principles of Landscape Design, Gail Hansen / Dewayne L. Ingram
  • Hannebaum, Leroy. Landscape Design: A Practical Approach. Reston Publishing Company, Inc.: Reston, VA.
  • Ingels, Jack E. Landscaping: Principles and Practices. Delmar Publishers, Inc.: Albany, NY.
  • Johnson, James L., McKinley, William J. Jr., and Benz, M. “Buddy.” Flowers: Creative Design. San Jacinto Publishing Co.: College Station, TX.
  • Nelson, Wm. R., Jr. Landscaping Your Home. University of Illinois College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service: Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  • Piercall, Gregory M. Residential Landscapes: Graphics, Planning, and Design. Reston Publishing Company, Inc.: Reston, VA.
  • Elements and principles of landscape design, /courses/samples/361landscape/361docs/8912bst.pdf.
  • Ontwerpprincipes IJsselstein ( mediumid=4&pagid=328&rubriek_id=1266&stukid=2197).
  • Buitenruimte voor contact 2010 – /basisprincipesl.
  • J. Westrik, H. Meijer en J. Heeling, Het ontwerp van de stadsplattegrond, ISBN 9789058750266.
  • Han Meyer, Frank de Josselin de Jong en Maarten Jan Hoekstra, Het ontwerp van de openbare ruimte, ISBN 9789058751645.
  • H. Meyer, Stedenbouwkundige regels voor het bouwen.
  • W.H. Verburg, Verdiepingbouw met staal – ontwerpboek voor architecten.
  • Bernard Leupen, Ontwerp en analyse.
  • Frans van Herwijnen, Leren van instortingen, ISBN 9789072830845.
  • Whitepaper   architectuurprincipes, Paauwe Research – 2009.
  • Koen van Boekel, Architectuurprincipes ,
  • Universal  Principles of Design, ISBN 13 978-1-59253-007-6.
  • Surendra Verma, The Little Book Of Scientific Principles, Theories & Things
  • David Macaulay, The way things work
  • John H. Farrar, Corporate Governance: Theories, Principles and Practice
  • Vitruvius
  • Wat is architectuur? - het blauwe boek

If you find a piece of literature on architecture principles is missing from this list, please email it to me:

Architecting Solutions

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DEMO: Strategy Map Template

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