Dragon1 Architecture Diagram Statement

About the Architecture Diagram Statement Checklist

Creating an Architecture Visualization (such as a Landscape, Roadmap, Blueprint or Sketch, Drawing, Diagram, or Impression) is one of the things any enterprise architect does daily. The quality (effectiveness, etc.) of the visualization is essential.

As an enterprise architect, you want your visualization to be used, for instance, to support the strategic decision-making of the owner/clients and stakeholders.

Before creating a visualization or diagram, the Dragon1 open EA Method advises creating a Diagram Statement (or Visualization Statement). This will increase the quality of the architecture visualization you plan to create in all cases.

You can download the checklist here:
word document dragon1-checklist-diagram-statement-OS03-PC009-EN.doc

About Dragon1 open EA Method

Dragon1 EA Method is an open Enterprise Architecture Method including an open EA Framework and open EA Modeling Language.

For external/commercial usage (such as training & consultancy) in Dragon1 EA Method a license fee is required. For internal usage of the Dragon1 EA Method, no license fee is required.

About other methods, frameworks, and standards

If you as an architect use another method or framework such as ArchiMate, Togaf, UML, COBIT, etc., you can also start formulating your Architecture Diagram Statement using the checklist.

More Checklists

You can find more checklists on Resources Checklists

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