From Strategy to Project Management
Every organization has a strategy, either explicit or implicit. This strategy contains a group of goals and objectives. Some of these goals and objectives can be realized by working hard using the current business model and company structure. But some goals and objectives can only be realized when the business model is changed, or other aspects of the company structure, like the IT.
To make this change, it is best practice to start a project. In other words, every project you start up in an organization MUST be connected to a business goal or objective.
What is a Project?
Dragon1 defines a project as follows: A project is a time-bounded temporary organization focused on realizing a predefined goal.
If a project runs for longer than 9 months, the risks of not reaching the predefined goal will increase.
Documenting a Project
To manage and do governance on projects, for example, project portfolio management, it is a best practice to define, describe, and document certain aspects of a project.
A list of documents that are often created as part of a Project are:
- Project dossier
- Statement of work
- Business case
- Program of Requirements
- Glossary of Terms
- Project definition document
- Total concept design sketch
- Organogram
- Design assignment
- Context model
- Stakeholder onion model
- Landscape map
- Solution design
- Blueprint
- Roadmap
- Gantt chart
- Meeting minutes
- Functional model
- Requirements overview
- Issues list
- Design decisions list
- FAQ list
- Project charter
- Test plan
- Implementation plan
- Acceptance criteria
The Dragon1 method provides checklists, templates, and examples for all these documents.
Visualize Projects with a Project Map
All the items listed above and the items in the Dragon1 IT Project Auditing Checklist together can be visualized as a consistent whole. The diagram we call the Project Map. It is with this map you can manage your project successfully.
Read the blog about visualizing your project on the Dragon1 platform with a Project Mapping using the checklist.
Dragon1 IT Project Auditing Checklist
Download the checklist and ensure every IT Project is successful.
You can download the official IT Project auditing document:
Dragon1 has more checklists for you that are part of the open EA Method.
How to use the checklist
Read the blog about how to use the checklist in a smart way.
Article on ICT Projects under control (Dutch): ICT Projecten onder controle met dragon1: een tool als oplossing