Dragon1 Standard: Way of Thinking

Dragon1 Way of Thinking consists of a set of concepts.

These concepts explain how Dragon1 views the enterprise as a structure, sees enterprise architecture as a coherent set of concepts, sees principles as working mechanisms of concepts, and sees design and visualization of innovations as a means of controlled change to enterprises.

Dragon1 Way of Thinking Standard

The diagram shows the most important concepts that are part of the way of thinking of the method.

The Way of Thinking of Dragon1 can be summarized with a set of claims:

  1. Every enterprise, organization, business, or company can be viewed as a system or a structure (a system with three dimensions)
  2. Every structure, like an enterprise or organization, has an architecture
  3. Of every enterprise or organization, its architecture can be expressed by making explicit the coherent set of concepts that are applied to it.
  4. Every change within or around the enterprise or organization will impact concepts or encounter resistance from the concept.
  5. Every concept has a way of working, called the concept principle.
  6. Every principle of a concept that is part of the architecture of an enterprise is an architecture principle for that enterprise.
  7. A principle is only a principle if it is always true within a context. Therefore, it can predict behavior and series of events and be tested.
  8. Every enterprise or organization requires humans to make it work. You cannot have an enterprise or organization without humans.

Architecting Solutions

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