Innovation Enablement

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Enterprise Architecture benefit #6

What is Innovation Enablement?

Innovation Enablement is standardizing new and emerging technologies to become ready for the future.

If you hear in the organization people say: we should have done that years ago because now we are stuck with...., this means there was an opportunity to enable innovation. However, it was not done because there was no short-term need to change things. Innovation Enablement is developing strategies and scenarios to see where there are opportunities to enable innovation.

innovation management gartner hype cycle

Example of a Hype Cycle you can create and relate to the strategy map on the Dragon1 platform.

Suppose there is no need for artificial intelligence as technology in your organization. But you, an expert in the field, already know that if you want to start implementing AI solutions, current self-built software applications are hard to integrate. In this case, enabling the replacement or switch off of the self-build solution would be very innovative.

How Does Dragon1 Support Innovation Enablement?

Working with Enterprise Architecture and using Dragon1 increases the ability to change and transform by removing outdated and blocking solutions and technologies from your organization beforehand. On the Dragon1 platform, you design and create visualizations to identify which systems, solutions, and technologies are outdated and blocking innovation and how they can be removed or replaced.

For instance, every organization should redesign processes so that faxes are not used anymore, ensure that Excel is not used for reporting, and that Email is not used for workflow information and status or progress updates. Just visualize how these solutions are used and why and how they should and can be replaced. If you do this, you enable future innovation. On Dragon1, you can design and redesign business processes and use them to reduce the usage of outdated solutions and technology step by step.

If you want to implement new technologies and concepts like artificial intelligence, block, and IoT to innovate your business model, you can create concept diagrams, principle details diagrams, and solutions diagrams and map these onto the process and application landscape diagrams.

Also, Dragon1 supports you in documenting every aspect of EA in a dossier and making this available to projects and stakeholders. In this way, you ensure that everyone knows exactly how everything is currently configured, related, and works in the organization and the impact of the change on anything shortly.

With that, the constructions or outdated standards and technologies blocking innovation can be removed or phased out. With EA, you become ready for the future.

Dragon1, as the EA method, supports you in creating the necessary holistic views of the enterprise.

Dragon1 supports you in realizing Innovation Enablement by creating, for instance, the following products:

  • Hype-trends diagram, to look into the future of what new concepts will become popular.
  • Strategy Map, to identify which trends you might be needing
  • Process Landscape with views, for instance, the Not LEAN processes views
  • Application Landscape with views, for instance, the Eighties and Nineties software view
  • IT Landscape with Views, for instance, the Outdated and End-of-life Platforms View
  • Solution Diagram
  • Concept Diagram
  • Principle Details Diagram
innovation lab

Dragon1 as your Innovation lab.

Use Case Example

We have use cases as anonymized projects from practice that provide Innovation Enablement as a benefit.

Architecting Solutions

DEMO: Concept Mapping Software

How to generate diagrams using Excel on Dragon1 EA Tool

Learn to generate diagrams using repositories
DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Example

DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Diagram - Measure Rules Compliance

Manufacturing, Financial Solutions
DEMO: Enterprise Architecture Blueprint Template

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Blueprint to discover and solve RISK

Banking, Logistics, Healthcare
DEMO: Strategy Map Template

DEMO: Generate Strategy Map for CLOUD ADOPTION

Government, Logistics, Banking
DEMO: Process Application Map

DEMO: Generate Landscape for RPA AUTOMATION

Retail, Agriculture, Energy, Oil & Gas
DEMO: Data Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Application Landscape for SECURITY

Automotive, Financial Services, Health Care