Critical Thinking Definition

Dragon1 Icon for Critical Thinking
Dragon1 Icon for Critical Thinking

Dragon1 Definition for Critical Thinking:
Critical thinking is a concept focused on the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment.

6 Critical Thinking Standards

  1. Clartiy: Can others understand your point?
  2. Depth: Do you address the complexity?
  3. Breadth: Do you cover all viewpoints?
  4. Accuracy: What is the source for each of your claims?
  5. Relevance: Do you raise key issues?
  6. Precision: Is your point specific enough?

A common model to use for Critical Thinking is provided below:

Critical Thinking is the competence of the future.

Read also

On Wikipedia you can read the Critical Thinking definition

Compare the Critical Thinking definition versus Creative Thinking.

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