Role Definition

Dragon1 Icon for Role
Dragon1 Icon for Role

Dragon1 Definition for Role:
A role is a position that an actor has in a process. According to their role, actors are expected to perform certain tasks (their responsibilities). Example: Shopper is a common process role in the process of buying items on a webshop. The Actor, in this case, is f.i. the anonymous website visitor or identified target client group member.

Let us define Role

The definition of role is: A role is a position that an actor has in a process. According to their role, actors are expected to perform certain tasks (their responsibilities).

Example: Shopper is a common process role in the process of buying items on a webshop. The Actor, in this case, is f.i. the anonymous website visitor or identified target client group member.

Geometric Shape

The shape in the Dragon1 modeling language for a role is:

role geometric shape

'Role' has important relationships with 'Actor' and 'Responsibility'.

A role defines the position an actor has in a process.

A role frames the responsibilities of an actor.

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