
Enterprise Architecture Framework: Starting Point For Working With EA


Published on 31 Jan 2015

Enterprise Architecture Frameworks enable Efficiency

This statement is the most important statement on this page: Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EAFs) enable Efficiency. So much time is often wasted in discussing and thinking of basic tasks and activities, however making a framework outweigh its pros vs its cons.

So whatever you do working with enterprise architecture, always create a conceptual framework diagram defining and telling you and your fellow workers what architectures, concepts, principles, patterns, models, rules and building blocks everyone in the organization should use and reuse so the finished work has high-quality output.

About the Dragon1 Enterprise Architecture Framework Diagram

The interactive diagram above is an interactive Enterprise Architecture Framework diagram as an example of what you can do here on the Dragon1 Platform.

Dragon1 is both modeling & enterprise architecture software and an open EA Methodology, part of which a Dragon1 open EA Framework.

The number #1 product of the top twenty products in the EA Framework or the number #1 deliverable of the top twenty deliverables in an Enterprise Architecture Dossier is the Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF).

Hardly any organization working with architecture has defined or visualized their Enterprise Architecture Framework or defined the architectures that are formal. This is because this EAF diagram is often unknown to architecture practitioners. And once visualized, it brings a lot of benefits for a lot of stakeholders

Dragon1 offers users a template to visualize their version of the Enterprise Architecture Framework in no time and score what parts of the EAF are present or not. For instance, click on the items in this diagram and see them colored in white, green, or red.

With this visualization you can communicate strategic issues to board members and directors about how a transition in the business and IT takes place and what their alignment/dependencies are.

Creating an EA Framework has several specific benefits

  • The people who need to decide on significant issue appearing during a transition have a common insight and overview
  • The dependencies, how complex the transition may be, are always traceable and trackable (via visual click and highlighted path)
  • An EAF like this has the ability to visualize the impact of changes and chosen alternative solutions

Using this visual as an integral roadmap for your organization improves the fitness for use and readiness for the future of your organization.

We have prepared some Live Demos for you to give you a first impression creating Architecture Frameworks.

Read more about Enterprise Architecture

  • EAF diagram example
  • Dragon1 as EA Framework
  • Enterprise_architecture_framework on Wikipedia

  • Ad Paauwe | Head of Training   7/20/2016Ziet er goed uit dit plaatje.

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