Management Dashboard

What is the Management Dashboard application?

The Management Dashboard is one of the Dragon1 Applications, part of the platform.

The Management Dashboard is used for building real-time dashboards for management topics. You can link metrics and KPIs to four types of widgets.

Sreenshot of the Management Dashboard.

Basic Features

The basic features of the Management Dashboard per edition:

Features Dragon1 PRO Dragon1 BUSINESS Dragon1 ENTERPRISE
1. Define / Create Dashboard Widgets checkbox checkbox checkbox

Curious to set up your Management Dashboard?

Create your free Trial Account here on the Dragon1 platform.

Architecting Solutions

DEMO: Capability Mapping Software

Generate a Change Impact Analysis - Projects Apps Capabilities

Use any repository or Excel Sheet
DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Example

DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Diagram - Measure Rules Compliance

Manufacturing, Financial Solutions
DEMO: Enterprise Architecture Blueprint Template

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Blueprint to discover and solve RISK

Banking, Logistics, Healthcare
DEMO: Data Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Application Landscape for SECURITY

Automotive, Financial Services, Health Care
DEMO: Strategy Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Strategy Map for CLOUD ADOPTION

Government, Logistics, Banking
DEMO: Process Application Map

DEMO: Generate Landscape for RPA AUTOMATION

Retail, Agriculture, Energy, Oil & Gas