Sharing Dragon1 experiences and increasing EA knowledge worldwide
Enterprise Architecture still needs to increase its added value concerning innovation at organizations.
You, as a Dragon1 user or interested person, may want to share experiences with others on how to make better use of Dragon1 data modeling and visualization software and Dragon1 the open EA Method (with EA Framework) and Project Management Method
For you as a user and everyone else who is highly interested, we organize Dragon1 User Group Events worldwide.
The events are 100% about sharing knowledge and experiences. Check out the community pages regularly for the next user group event near you.
Joining is free and means you get the Dragon1 Magazine emailed monthly, and you plan to participate in a user group in or near your country to share your experiences.
The Dragon1 User Groups create active local networks of people sharing knowledge and experiences working with Dragon1 software and the open EA Method. Search for Dragon1 users here.
The User Group Events bring people together for a meet and greet and to perform activities such as researching a topic and presenting cases.
The Dragon1 Community keeps a close eye on innovations taking place at organizations in various countries for learning purposes and case studies with and without the usage of Enterprise Architecture.
The Dragon1 Community User Groups have certified experts in Enterprise Architecture. You can ask them any questions you like at the user group events.
Start reading here about Enterprise Architecture the Dragon1 way here.