
Strict Policy

Dragon1 has a strict policy on advertisements.

Only Dragon1 CONNECT, Dragon1 ACADEMIC, Dragon1 PRO, Dragon1 BUSINESS, and Dragon1 ENTERPRISE users can use the advertisements space feature on the Dragon1 platform to promote their products, services, and job vacancies.

If you do not have a paid Dragon1 user license, you cannot advertise on the Dragon1 platform.

In your company settings, you can place an image and a link to your website for your advertisement.

The advertisement will show up and relate to the topics on company pages, user pages, watch pages, search pages, resource pages, and other pages.

Advertisements must comply with our terms and agreements. Dragon1 may remove your advertisement or block the advertisement space feature without prior notice.

Allowed Topics

Examples of allowed topics for advertisements are: training, job vacancies, consultancy, events related to business, and it.

Forbidden Topics

Examples of forbidden topics for advertisements are: sex, drugs, weapons, financial loans, and related topics. Dragon1 will decide what specific advertisements are allowed or forbidden and, in that case, remove the advertisement without prior notice.


The advertisement picture needs to have the dimensions of 300px by 250px or the same ratio. The picture at the right is an example picture with that dimension.

For more information about advertising on Dragon1, please contact

Architecting Solutions