The Dragon1 Academy

We are the Dragon1 Academy, the training center for Dragon1 ea method and software and enterprise architecture certification for individuals at end-user organizations, consultancy and advice organizations and training organizations. We take exams, certify and accredit.

Our main goal is to provide training courses for people and organizations to be able to innovate effectively in a strongly visual way. The starting points are the human dimension, leadership, technology, concepts and principles.

Our philosophy of education is that you have to connect theory and practice in order to be able to learn something new as effectively as possible. The masterclass is therefore full of practical assignments, such as the visualization of architecture and the formulation of architectural principles.

Does this appeal to you? Then you are most welcome to our masterclass.

The Dragon1 Foundation governs the Dragon1 EA Open Method. Read more on the

Contact Us


Phone Academy: +31 317 416 190


Email Academy:

Visitors Address:

De Hanenhof, Costerweg 1M, 6702 AA WAGENINGEN, The Netherlands

Dragon1, Dragon 1 and Dragon1 Inc. are registered trademarks of Dragon1 B.V.

Dragon1 Atlas - Enterprise Architecture Design Book

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Atlas from a repository or excel sheet

Visual Enterprise Architecture

Dragon1 Textbook on Visual Enterprise Architecture

Visual Enterprise Architecture Blueprint

DEMO: Import excel data for analysis of security risks