Dragon1 Textbook

What is in the Dragon1 Textbook?

Visual Enterprise Architecture, a textbook on the open method Dragon1, is a book for upcoming and experienced architects and managers who are involved in starting up and managing the company conducting business transformations and innovations. The role of the architects and managers is to make decision-supporting architecture visualizations for the board and management. In a structured way, this textbook deals with the new strategic steering instrument Visual Enterprise Architecture using the Dragon1 method.

This textbook explains the added value of Visual Enterprise Architecture for steering and managing companies. Dragon1 can be used as a steering tool at a strategic level, and as an open method that can easily be embedded in a company. For example, in addition to its own way of working with the architecture where Dragon1 gives a methodical interpretation of it: visualizing and communicating architecture to support imagery and decision making.

Dragon1 has in fact combined the power of three disciplines: architectural architecture, business administration and information science. Dragon1 wants to achieve one thing with this: the advantages of architectural architecture have for the design and realization of sustainable and future-proof buildings, constructions, solutions and re-use landscapes for the design and realization of complex and integrated business / IT building works within companies.

More than other methods Dragon1 asks the architect a lot of creativity in the field of making designs for these structures and solutions in the company. The architect is encouraged by Dragon1 to create an architectural design at a conceptual level, in which he or she is used to other principles should use. For example, concept principles which are the explanation of the maintained way in which a concept works and produces results that actually make the solution profitable.

Download the Textbook Factsheet here [DUTCH].

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