Strategy Development

Introducing Strategy Development as Solution

Dragon1 as platform is fit for use for the area of Strategy Development. Any Strategy Model can be modeled, visualized, designed, analyzed, monitored, and managed.

strategy development

Enterprise Architecture, Information Architecture, and Strategy Architecture are fields of science for which it is useful to create insights and overviews of your Strategy Landscape to manage them better.

Strategy Portfolio Management

On Dragon1, it is easy to manage your strategy portfolio, meaning you can administer, store, model, visualize, and thus manage the various strategic directions, business cases, and transformation programs you have and connect the dots much more.

dragon1 enterprise architecture line of sight

On Dragon1, you will have a manageable and consistent overview of your business cases, business drivers, and strategic options in no time. Create scenarios to run through some options you have and choose the most rational one if you prefer that.

Strategy Elements and Strategy Components

Most commonly, people create an EA repository for their Strategy at the logical, physical, and implementation levels. All the important elements can be stored on Dragon1; with those elements, you can create models and visualizations. And with that, you can support your strategic decision-making much better than without visuals.

Strategy Concepts and Strategy Principles

It is not only important to know the structure of your Strategy Model at a logical, physical, and implementational level. About your enterprise strategy, it is more than important to know the conceptual level and the Strategy principles.

Are you interested in doing Strategy Development on Dragon1?

Dragon1, as an online platform and digital workplace, is fit for Strategy Development in your way. You can manage your Strategy portfolio, create Strategy landscape overviews, improve the Strategy architecture, and rationalize the Strategy landscape. Dragon1 supports you in reducing complexity and saving costs in your Strategy landscape.

New: the Enterprise Performance Framework and Enterprise Strategy Reference Model

Architecting Solutions