Architecture Solutions on Dragon1

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Solution

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Solution

enterprise architecture solutions

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy realizes integral business IT solutions and project goals of organizations. Create products enabling digital transformation.

Cyber Security Visualize Threats and Vulnerabilities

Cyber Security Visualize Threats and Vulnerabilities

enterprise architecture

Cyber Security Architecture Solution at Airports, Banks, and Government. Use Dragon1 to visualize data, and analyze and improve security and awareness in your company.

Digital Transformation software solutions integrated in SMEs

Digital Transformation is facilitated by creating enterprise visualizations of strategy, security, processes, and software solutions integrated into the digital company.

Enterprise Architecture is Data-Driven Decision Making

Dragon1 considers Enterprise Architecture (EA) as the total concept applied to an enterprise system. Every concept has principles (working mechanisms).

Digitalization & Sustainability for SMEs

Digitalization & Sustainability for SMEs


For SMEs, digitalization is not only a technological shift but a strategic imperative driving the sustainability economy while minimizing environmental and social costs.

IT Infrastructure Management

IT Infrastructure Technology solutions for running scenarios on changes, to view the impact of adding or removing one configuration item or a group of items.

Change Management in Organizations

Change Management in Organizations


Change management navigates transitions from current states to desired future states with enterprise visualizations such as strategic business transformation blueprints.

Business Development Life Cycle

Business Development Life Cycle Architecture. Any Business Process Map and Landscape can be modeled, visualized, designed, analyzed, monitored, and managed on Dragon1.

Strategy Development Architecture Solution

Strategy Development Architecture Solution. On Dragon1, you have a manageable and consistent overview of your business cases, business drivers, and strategic options.

ICT Projecten onder controle met EA Visualisaties

ICT Projecten onder controle met Dragon1 Enterprise Architectuur Visualisaties. Project management portfolio (ppm) en audit tool als oplossing voor strategie, architectuur en projectbeheersing.

Operational Intelligence Solutions

On the Dragon1 platform, Operational Intelligence gives your organization the ability to make decisions and do immediate action on these analytical insights.

Software for Engineering Digital Twin Architecture

Digital Twin means creating a digital copy of an object, organism, system, or organization, including processes. A virtual representation of a part of the real world.

Business Process Management BPM

Business process management uses the concept of business processes to (re)design them to achieve business goals and strategy. Improved with BPMN and Lean.

Concept Design Solutions

Concept Design Solutions. Any concept and idea can be modeled, visualized, designed, analyzed, and managed by yourself or in collaboration.

Information Management IM

Information Management deals with the information systems of a company, in a broad sense. On Dragon1, you design information systems management solutions.

Agile Project Management

Project Management is a process and a series of activities for planning, organizing, and controlling resources, procedures & protocols to achieve goals. You can also do Project Portfolio Management (PPM) the way you want to do it.

Business Modeling for Winning Business Models

Business Modeling for Winning Business Models. Design, communicate, and manage business models and concepts visually with Business Model Canvas, LEAN, and BPMN.

Application Rationalization improving Complexity

Application Rationalization for overseeing the complexity of your landscape, as a benefit introducing a new IT service takes days instead of months.

Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud Computing Architecture Solution. Read about the design, visualization, communication, and realization of your 'Moving to the Cloud' strategy on Dragon1.

IT Service Management

IT Service Management as your solution. Provide IT services to the business, (re)design the IT services and link them to other parts of the company.

Application Lifecycle Management

Application Lifecycle Management. Applications can be modeled, visualized, designed, tested, analyzed, rationalized, and managed on Dragon1.

Auditing IT and Project Portfolios

Auditing IT and Project Portfolio Management. Any organization, project or solution can be audited by mapping, analyzing, and reporting the issues on Dragon1.

Enterprise Governance Solutions

Dragon1 enables you to create an Enterprise Governance Model and use it to manage the portfolio of various governance processes in your organization.

Innovation as Solution

Innovation as Solution. Redesign fundamentally your business model, products, services and processes successfully on Dragon1.

IT Management Prioritizing IT Assets

Manage IT Management and IT Asset Management Processes, IT-4-IT, IT Management Concepts, and IT Governance visually on Dragon1.